Pier 70

San Francisco, CA

Port of San Francisco / Brookfield Properties

SITELAB Urban Studio

Infrastructure and Development
Pier 70 is a 28-acre site located along San Francisco’s historic southern waterfront. Once redeveloped, this part of the waterfront will become an asset to the surrounding community by blending together a variety of uses: arts & creative spaces, housing across the spectrum of affordability, light-manufacturing, local retail, 9 acres of waterfront parks, all carefully designed to prevent any new building out of scale with historic structures on the site.
HCI leads the interagency project coordinator team for horizontal infrastructure supporting the 28- acre waterfront development site (a subset of the 35-acre SUD). In that capacity, HCI is responsible for coordinating approval of the Projects’ subdivision maps and street improvement permits, monitoring construction progress, costs and issues on behalf of the Port of San Francisco and bringing infrastructure to acceptance within the timelines outlined within the Projects’ Land Disposition and Development Agreement and Phase Applications. The HCI team employs its knowledge of city workflows, technical standards, and regulations to anticipate and triage potential issues with infrastructure transmittals to the City prior to formal routing. HCI has established a level of trust and mutual respect with City Agencies including SFPUC, SFFD, Public Works, and SFMTA that allows the HCI team to work directly with reviewers to reconcile conflicting technical comments, map conditions, or nonstandard design conditions in a timely manner. Finally, the HCI team also reviewing project costs on behalf of the Port of San Francisco in the context of the project’s Acquisition Agreement.